Tuesday 2 March 2021

Essay Editing: Tips From Professional Editors Online

 Now that writing the assignment is complete, it is now time for editing them. Editing makes sure the papers are as perfect as possible before submitting them to the professors.  Professionals at the essay editing service assert that students should always take time to read the document from end to beginning as part of the editing process.

Why? As editors at the online essay editing services state, reading a text backward focuses on spelling and grammar. When students read from start to finish, it's human nature to fill in missing words and see the correct spelling unconsciously. Even when words are missing or spelling is incorrect.

Other tips from the professionals include-

 Use word/spell checker for basic proofreading

The online proofreading, word counter, and spell-checking tools are an excellent place to start spotting the fundamental imperfections. These tools usually catch the most basic errors. Don’t blindly accept all the suggestions the spell/grammar check recommends. After all, it's a tool, and it has some limitation to understand the tone of the text.

 Cut long sentences into two

Experts associated with the online proofreading services emphasize making the long sentences short, even if it's grammatically correct. Long sentences often have several ideas, so they can quickly lose the reader's focus. These sentences don’t provide a break, leading readers to get stuck or lose interest. Perhaps the reader might get bored and watch TV instead. See if you spot a comma-heavy sentence. Try to give each idea an individual sentence.

 Replace negative with positive

Professional essay writers and editors believe that instead of saying what something isn’t, say what it is. If you find negative statements in the assignment with 'don't', 'shouldn't', 'can't', or other similar words, find a way to rewrite them without the 'not'. You will probably need to find a more robust and straightforward verb.

Replacing stuffy words with simple ones, reducing prepositions, avoiding passive voice in the text are more tips that can help tighten the text. Hope you will find this helpful. 

Thursday 11 February 2021

Tips On Research Paper Writing

Writing a perfect research paper has its fair share of challenges. A vast and intricate research topic strains even the most accomplished writers out there and compels many to seek paper writing help online.

Many online blogs and articles offer various tips to help out students with their research writing. In reality, most of those articles end up meeting out a bunch of vague and convolute information, which end up confusing students further.

This article presents some expert writing tips and does so in a very lucid manner to benefit struggling research writers.

1. Think up of an eye-catching title

Your research paper's title serves the dual purpose of informing and engaging your audience. Craft an informative and exciting title. Be concise and use technical terms wisely.

Remember to keep your research paper guidelines in mind while developing your title.

2. Develop a well-rounded abstract

The abstract is a compilation of all essential data in your research paper. It should not just be able to highlight the final results but relate them to the research questions. A generic abstract must mention the methodologies used and state the final recommendations.

Abstracts must be written in the form of a synopsis. Be concise and mention key details without going into the specifics. Try to wrap up your summary within 350 words.

It is best to look for expert research paper help from renowned online proofreading services & assignment writing services. Drop your “Do my assignment" requests there if you are a first-time research writer & are looking for a second opinion.

3. Write a compelling literature review

One of the most significant chapters of a research paper, a critical literature review, enhances the quality of the content and showcase the writer's dedication and knowledge.

Expert research paper writers perform extensive literature research and analyse all relevant texts meticulously. They dig deep to find out how the texts address overall research on the topic, the questions put forth and any gaps that remain unaddressed.

A complete literature review must show how your paper relates to the overall research on the topic.

4. Select the correct research methodologies

Think deep about the most appropriate methods that will answer the research question with perfection. Justify the reason behind your selections as you need to show it in the methodology chapter but do so after completing the actual analysis.

A researcher has to argue in support of her/his research process in this chapter. Write everything logically and mention vital details about the research steps. Conclude this chapter by showing how it relates to the other section.

And, that wraps up this edition of the article. Let’s hope it eases at least some of your research paper writing tension. Be it a college paper writing or assignment help, remember to seek assistance from only the very best in the business.

Ref: https://telegra.ph/Tips-On-Research-Paper-Writing-02-11 

Wednesday 10 February 2021

A Guide To Cite Research Papers In Different Citation Styles For The Students

 The citation has become an integral part of the academic world. The significant purposes of citation are usually to discourage plagiarism and give credit to the scholars, researchers etc. for their efforts in the growth of knowledge and developing in-depth bibliographic resources. Students can use the APA citation generator or any other citation generator tools to cite research papers and other bibliographic sources of information.

A single research paper source is cited in students' assignments in several formatting techniques, depending on the approved style they are working on. So without further ado, here are the critical points for the students to remember when they have to cite a research paper in different citation style-

Citing research papers in APA style

Ø APA (American Psychological Association) commonly uses formatting and citation style for papers related to psychology and social sciences.

Ø If you are working on an assignment from the said disciplines, and have found a research paper that will back up the claims, including the author's name and the date the source was published.

Ø In APA citation style, most of the sources will be organised in the following format: Author’s Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year published). Title of source. URL.

Ø Remember that if you include plurals, do not use an apostrophe! e.g. It's the 1990s, not 1990’s!

Ø In APA format, cite your research paper with numerals by showing numbers in a table or graph, including a unit of measurement directly after it, and by referring to information in a table or chart.

Ø APA approves the comma's usage (,) like the Oxford citation style. The comma can be placed before the words 'AND', 'OR' or in a series of three items.


Citing research papers in Harvard style

Ø Are you working on an assignment that requires Harvard style citation? Have you found a research paper as a reliable source of information? Cite it in the following methods: name/s of the author/s, year of publication within the bracket, the title of the research paper in italics, place of publication, and publisher.

Ø If the source is available online, arrange it by adding available URL and accessed date and time.

Ø The in-text citation will have author name, year, and page number (p.69). For information that ranges for more than one page, cite it like pp. 69-72.


Citing research papers in MLA style

Ø Scholars of liberal arts and humanities commonly use MLA (Modern Language Association). When they cite a research paper as a source of information in their assignments, this is the format to follow: citations are arranged in alphabetical order with the abbreviations of the author/s last name/s.

Ø Names are followed by the research paper's title, date and year.

Ø When citing a research paper writing in MLA style, include references within two sections: the quotes used within the essay, and the works cited page at the end.

Ø For in-text citation and adding quote inside the assignment, arrange it with the writer’s last name and page number enclosed within parentheses straight after the quote. If the author's name is added in the sentence, attach only the page number in the bracket, the online custom essay assistance services point out.

The citation rules differ in Chicago and ASA style. We have highlighted only the most commonly used types here. Hope you will find it helpful.


In the article above, we have briefly asserted the different techniques of citing research papers in different citation styles. Those with confusion can quickly look at the guide shared above and get ideas. All the best.  

Author Bio

Cecilia Martin has been associated with MyAssignmenthelp.com for the last six years. She is part of the APA Citation Generator developing team from the very beginning. Martin is also a 5-star writer of the team. 

Ref: https://www.apsense.com/article/a-guide-to-cite-research-papers-in-different-citation-styles-for-the-students.html

Tuesday 9 February 2021

4 Interesting Topics IT Students Should Know

 IT students are always on the lookout for topics that they can explore to develop good ideas for their papers. They seek Information Technology assignment help when they cannot select an interesting idea. If you are searching for topics, you should take a look at the following aspects.

1. Zero-Knowledge Proofs

IT advancement is more in demand due to the ever-increasing security threats. With the advent of cryptocurrency, zero-knowledge proofs were introduced to protect users' privacy. The transactions are kept anonymous, which had not been the case would have severely damaged many businesses.

The acronym zk-SNARK(zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge) is one of the most prominent zero-knowledge proofs. Thus, it is something worth looking into if you are interested in Blockchain technology.

2. Parallel Computing  

In this era, a different computational framework is in use. Today, linear inverse problems are solved using a parallel computing approach. If you are writing an assignment on IT and the latest developments, you should definitely include this point. Gustafson-Barsis’ Law paved the way for an alternate method to calculate potential speedup of the application.

If you struggle to find the necessary resources, you should take the help of assignment experts.

3. Wikipedia is Downloadable

You can download the entire database within a few seconds. All you need is a reader. In this regard, you can try out XOWA. It is compatible with various platforms like Mac OS X, Raspberry Pi, Linux, Android, Windows, etc.

In fact, the whole file is 14 GB compressed and 58 GB uncompressed. Thus, you can carry the entire Wikipedia in a single USB Flash Drive. Interestingly, you can get Information Technology and case study assignment help from the vast resource.


4. A Majority of the Internet Traffic is Non-Human

Did you know that 51% of Internet traffic is "non-human'? There is a reason why IT security is a matter of grave concern and needs to be upgraded now and then. Almost 30,000 websites are hacked every day, and cybercriminals are looking for ways to exploit vulnerable sites.

31% of the traffic is made up of hacking programs, spammers, and malicious phishing, not to forget the viruses and the ransomware applications.

Hopefully, you now have some insight into the topics. If you are still struggling to write an IT assignment, you should take Information Technology assignment help from professional experts.

Monday 8 February 2021

5 Websites Useful for Managerial Accounting Note Collection

 Are you currently writing an assignment on cash flow analysis or product costing? Then you can get optimum accounting assignment help by going through some authentic sites to garner updated information on the subject matter. In this blog, you will get to know some exciting websites, where you can learn and even get your facts corrected.

1. Accounting Coach

You should visit this site if you want to brush up on the rudimentary definition of various types of accounting. It is entirely free, and this platform would be useful for both new and experienced accountants. The platform also includes paid PRO features with examples, such as visual guides, real-world forms, and flashcards.

2. The National Society for Accountants (NSA)

This website is dedicated to both students and professionals. One may take a look at applications in the real world. You will see webinars, educational tools, current data on emerging patterns, and student scholarships. Besides, it is a successful advertisement medium, and students have various membership levels available.

3. The Economist

This site is worth looking into if you want to enrich your knowledge of International and managerial accounting. The site publishes blog posts covering aspects like accounting fraud in organizations, conflict of interests, and much more. Therefore, you will be exposed to new ideas, examples, and procedures fit for your work. However, if you are wondering, “Who can do my assignment for me?” then you should seek professional assistance.

4. Journal of Accountancy

If you want to get accountancy alerts in real time, you should probably visit this website. You will learn how to plan the cash flow statement. Moreover, the CPA INSIDER, THE TAX ADVISER, and many more will provide you with the news. Under the MOST READ section, there is a list of articles you may pass through.

5. The MIT Sloan School of Management

If you want to know the current accounting topics, you should definitely check this site out. You will get access to online courses on managerial accounting, etc. The most interesting aspect is that you can download video lectures, assignments, and examinations free of charge. You will get an insight into job order costing, process costing, operational budgeting, and much more.

As you can see, there are plenty of websites, from which you can acquire graphs, statistics and facts on accounting. But, if you struggle to understand a topic, it is wise to take accounting assignment help from your peers or experts.

Ref: https://www.apsense.com/article/5-websites-useful-for-managerial-accounting-note-collection.html

Friday 5 February 2021

5 Tips for Submitting an Impressive Nursing Resume

 If you wish to land a job as a nurse at a clinic or hospital, you must write a compelling resume. Unfortunately, many students cannot write it, and they avail resume writing service. If you are struggling to pen down an intriguing resume, you have arrived at the right place.

You must:

1. Select the Accurate Format

First, you must decide upon the template of the resume. In the introductory paragraph, you must spark the interest of the hiring manager and state why you are the best fit for the company. In the next paragraph, you should mention your achievements and skills. In the end, you should round it off by stating that you are up for an interview.

2. Incorporate a Catchy Opening Line

Your cover letter reveals a lot about your character. You must focus on how you start it to how you end it, as the first impression matters a lot. Hence, you should work on your opening line and be truthful. State your field of interest, ER experience, perioperative nursing, etc. If you find the task to be daunting, you should seek academic study help 

3. Pay Attention to Salutation and Job Role

When you address the hiring manager or the HR, take their name. Furthermore, you must acquire more details about your role as a nurse in that clinic or hospital. You must know whether you would record medical history, monitor patient health, or operate medical equipment. If you stumble upon an issue, it is wise to ask a professional resume builder to help you out.

4. Highlight your Achievements and Skills

You must note that you are vying for the same position against hundreds of applicants. You should then enlist all the skills that are necessary for nurses. These include communication skills, ability to solve problems, attention to detail, relentless desire to upgrade yourself, etc. If you have completed training and courses, include it in your resume.  

5. Conclude Your Letter on a Strong Note

Finally, you've got a short paragraph to add. Here, you should ask the hiring manager to take a look at your resume. If they consider you a suitable candidate, you can state that you are ready for an interview. Show your gratitude without fail. Add social media connections such as LinkedIn, Facebook, so that they know you have an online presence.

These steps will definitely help you out when you write a resume. However, if you are a novice, it is wise to avail of a resume writing service. 

Ref: https://www.apsense.com/article/5-tips-for-submitting-an-impressive-nursing-resume.html

Thursday 4 February 2021

6 Sectors to Focus on While Writing a Dissertation

 Dissertation writing is a painstaking process. You also have to be familiar with the format to organize your content properly. Students seek dissertation writing help when they cannot choose a topic, format the content, or accurately validate the statements.

If you are currently working on a dissertation, you should pay attention to the following sections.

  1. Introduction

You've to begin with a convincing introduction first. You have to set up the research subject and narrow down the focus. You have to start with an exciting hook, then write an intriguing hypothesis statement. Next, you have to state the objectives and shed light on the existing research. If you cannot do so, you can seek dissertation writing help.

  1. Literature Review

Here, you must collect published materials and analyze them critically. You have to spot patterns, gaps, etc., to make an overall point. You must develop a coherent argument and structure that justifies your research. It might strengthen existing knowledge, advance a theoretical debate, or propose solutions to unresolved problems.

  1. Methodology

Here, you have to explain how you carried out the study. You must state the methods of data collection, methods of study, equipment, and software used. Furthermore, you have to mention the methods of analyzing data, such as discourse data. You can highlight the obstacles you faced in conducting the research. If you are wondering, “Who can make my assignment?” you can take the help of the experts.

  1. Results

This segment must be organized around sub-questions, theories, or subjects. You must report all your results here. This is crucial for quantitative and experimental research, whereas in qualitative research, the presentation of the data will often be woven together with discussion and analysis. You must back up your statements with statistics, charts, graphs, tables.

  1. Discussion

In this section, you explore the meaning and implications of your results. You have to state whether the results met your expectations and how well they fit with the framework. If you get unexpected results, elaborate it for the readers. The discussion should involve citations of other scholarly work.

  1. Conclusion

In conclusion, you have to wrap up the entire dissertation. Your content must answer the main research question so that the readers have a clear understanding of your central argument. Most importantly, it must contain the main points of the dissertation. You can even include the future scope of research.

Hopefully, you will be able to write a dissertation without any hassle. If you face any trouble, seek assignment writing help.

Ref: https://joshuadollar.hatenablog.com/entry/2021/02/04/215431?_ga=2.18426929.984233428.1612443277-1053760708.1612443277